How To Sort Out Your Ford Focus Power Issues
Those driving a Ford Focus may have come across a common problem with some models in relation to maintaining power. In some instances, one might experience a loss of power when driving for an extended period.
The kind of experience enjoyed during a drive will depend on a variety of factors influencing the operations of the vehicle. A malfunction in certain departments such as the monitoring and response systems, for example, can adversely affect the capacity of the car to function properly.
Identifying the reasons behind such problems is crucial to enjoying a safe and comfortable ride when you get behind the wheel.
Owning a vehicle results in a number of responsibilities that are placed on the driver to ensure their car is running properly. These maintenance activities are designed to ensure that your vehicle is in peak condition – but unfortunately, there are some issues that cannot be predicted ahead of time.
In such instances, finding a means of quickly identifying the problem can help you reduce the potential level of damage done during this period. One of the major issues facing people with a Ford Focus is the loss of power when driving.
Those facing this dilemma will usually experience a sudden drop in power for no apparent reason when traveling. This will mean that you will no longer be able to accelerate and might actually experience a reduction in speed at the moment.
Discussions with other drivers have led to the discovery that many Ford Focus owners are facing the problem of losing power when driving. The issue is not limited to one car either, and it has been noted that models between 2000 and 2014 approximately experience this complication.
This means that a large number of people have to find a suitable solution to address the loss. It should be noted that though the problem may be similar, it is not always caused by the same reason.
As such, you need to take the time to study the various causes behind these scenes to determine what might be affecting your personal circumstances. Assuming a one size fits all approach is something that will not work, as different cars will be dealing with varying situations and scenarios.
The Ford Focus Engine Power Problem (Manufacturer Malfunction)
Before looking at the more general reasons behind a sudden loss of power when driving, addressing the most common issue in this criterion offers a more straightforward approach when dealing with manufacturing glitches.
Despite the quality available with Ford vehicles in the market, there have been a number of setbacks when it comes to the production of certain models as a result of a flaw in their design. This is to say that the development of the problem was as a result of the design instead of external elements when in use.
The experience of most people with this issue involved the engine suddenly cut out when attempting to accelerate, with some cases even resulting in the engine shutting off entirely.
The problem was usually addressed by simply switching off the engine for 5 to 10 minutes, after which the vehicle would return to normal functioning when the car was turned on again.
Those who experienced this claimed that the problem occurred multiple times, and usually limited them to a certain speed that they could not influence.
The issue also occurred at random times, with the vehicle performing as expected on some occasions – and portraying the symptoms of power loss in others. These symptoms first appeared on rare occasions before gradually becoming more frequent as time progresses.
The first case of this came with the Ford Focus vehicles that were manufactured between 1998 and 2004. The complication was identified in models with 1.6 liter engines.
The second most notable occasion when such a scenario happened was when the Ford Focus models built between 2012 and 2014 also experienced the same problem. It was more common in models with the 2.0 liter engine in this scenario.
A warning message stating engine malfunction service now at times also accompanied the problem in later models. On both occasions, the issue was blamed on the malfunctioning of the cars’ powertrain control module software.
This was an aspect that could not be influenced by the driver or a mechanic and required the manufacturer to address the underlying glitches in their systems.
Ford’s reaction to these malfunctions was to offer a recall of these models and produce a better functioning powertrain control module. The software update mainly served to put these issues to bed effectively, and drivers at this time were able to take their cars to official dealers for the upgrade.
The latest incident involved the introduction of a new program that eliminated the issue of the software. The transmission control module was also updated for those who had not gotten the latest version of this program. Owners with warranties were offered these services free of charge, and as such, a lot of the vehicles with these problems were resolved.
It is essential that you identify the particular model you happen to be driving and when and where it was acquired when addressing this issue. If your Ford Focus lies within the two periods that have been mentioned (i.e., 1998 – 2004 and 2012 – 2014) then checking to see if the software problem was addressed during that period is important.
If you cannot contact the user of that particular time, having a professional examine the powertrain control module (PCM) software can help you identify the main source of the problem.
If the problem was addressed during this time, then checking for other problems is the best course of action to implement. However, if it was not, then the story becomes a little more complicated.
Since the latest incident in this category took place over five years ago, it’s safe to say that taking the problem to your local dealer for an upgrade is not possible.
The manufacturers have moved on from this setback and have produced numerous models since then. Thus, dealing with a PCM issue is not readily available – so you might need to start thinking about getting a new vehicle.
Additional Alternatives to Dealing with Power Loss Problems
As mentioned earlier, there can be multiple problems behind the loss of power while driving. If the issue does not lie with the manufacturer, then there are a number of elements you can consider to determine the source of the problem.
The latest Ford Focus models come equipped with a computerized monitoring and management system that can assist you in your investigation. Familiarizing yourself with the various symbols located on the dashboard and their meanings can also help you analyze some issues pertaining to functional problems.
It should be noted that the primary reasons behind the loss of power usually lie with the fuel or emission systems. Technical issues are also a common cause with many cars. Some of the reasons that your Ford Focus is losing power while you’re driving can include:
Clogged Fuel Filters and Pumps
The fuel filter in an engine is designed to sieve out any potential contaminants within the system, meaning that it can get clogged over time.
This component requires replacing at regular intervals, and a failure to do so can affect the performance of the engine. The introduction of pollutants to the engine’s system can result in a variety of symptoms, including the sudden loss of power when driving.
Fuel pumps are designed to transport gas to the needed sectors, and can also get clogged when exposed to too many contaminants. There are also a variety of issues that can affect this component, including the presence of moisture in the system, a blown fuse, or a worn out motor in the pump.
These symptoms can be as a result of frequently driving on a low or almost empty tank. Such practices can place a lot of pressure on the moving parts. Checking this area is crucial when investigating the source of lost power during driving.
Vacuum Leakages
There are a variety of hoses within an engine’s system to assist in various operations. The vacuum hoses are responsible for ensuring that proper balance is maintained regarding the air to fuel ratio supplied to the engine.
If one of these hoses experiences a leak, then an insufficient mixture will result in lower performances. This can have an adverse effect on the powertrain, leading to symptoms such as loss of power while accelerating.
One of the more obvious signs of this problem is the presence of a loud hissing sound emanating from under the vehicle’s hood.
Faulty Sensors
Modern cars are made up of a variety of mechanized functions that are controlled by the vehicle’s computer. Many activities, including accelerating and other related maneuvers are conducted via a network of sensors that cooperate to bring about the needed change.
If one of these sensors is malfunctioning, the related activity chain will be hindered as a result. Luckily, the car’s computer also comes equipped with a variety of warning symbols on the dashboard that identifies problems with its operation.
Gaining further knowledge of these signs and their meanings can help you quickly determine particular issues that might be at fault with your vehicle.
Potential Fixes to the Loss of Power
Cleaning Out the Engine
Since fuel starvation is one of the leading causes behind the loss of power. As such, performing a thorough inspection of parts such as the fuel pump and filter can be a simple way of addressing the problem.
Replacing the fuel filter is easily accomplished, provided you are familiar with the Ford Focus’ anatomy and the location of its different parts. If not, checking the owner’s manual can give you a good idea of where everything is.
Inspecting the fuel pump for issues can be more complicated, however, and requires the use of a pressure gauge when testing its capacity. In some instances, you could be required to replace the pump should it be malfunctioning beyond repair.
If you are looking to save money with this process, then opting for a rebuilt alternative can be cheaper than getting a new one.
Scanning for Errors
As mentioned earlier, modern vehicles come with a computerized core responsible for multiple functions. This system also includes monitoring and warning systems related to various problems with the car.
In this manner, if the car senses that something is wrong, it is able to relay the message via the delivery of a particular error code. It should be noted that brushing up on the various error codes available and their related problems is needed to identify a problem via this method.
Small scanners are also easily available in the market nowadays, allowing you to perform this inspection yourself. Simply hook the device to the engine and follow the specific steps related to scanning for issues. The actions taken during this stage will depend on the particular scanner you are using.
Once the scan is complete, an error might pop up on the display screen relating to the problem. The issue can then be fixed upon identification, and the error cleared using the scanning device.
In some cases, the problem may go beyond a technical issue and will require the involvement of a mechanic to set things right. Using the scanner still holds an advantage in this scenario; however, as you will be able to visit the auto repair shop with more information about the problem – allowing it to be quickly addressed.
In conclusion, the loss of power in an engine is not something that should be taken lightly. Circumstances will only get worse if you do not address the issue in time, which could lead to increased expenses when you finally decide to fix it.
In some cases, the engine might peter out completely, meaning you’re probably going to need a new car. If you are not familiar with the various functions of your vehicle, or the problem is too complicated, getting professional help is the wisest choice you could make.
Activities such as replacing the vacuum hoses within your car, for instance, are something that should be done by an individual with extensive knowledge and experience in the sector.