Foxwell NT301 vs NT510
If you are looking for an ideal multi-system scanner for your vehicle, this Foxwell NT301 vs NT510 comparison will help you pick between two great output models.
I bought a used BMW when I turned 19. Two years later, I am still learning the ins and outs of vehicle repairs. Used vehicles have a range of hidden and compounded problems that you may not always be able to see. A few months after I purchased my car, I often found the need for minor repairs. I could not ignore them even though my vehicle worked as expected. I looked online to find a solution to my motor’s maintenance problems and discovered this Foxwell NT301 vs NT510 comparison that helped me to understand the inner workings of my engine.
What are the differences between Foxwell NT301 and NT510?
Foxwell NT301 | Foxwell NT510 | |
Live sensor data | Yes | Yes |
10 service modes | Yes | Yes |
Wi-Fi support | Yes | Yes |
Battery registration | No | Yes |
Check price | Check price |
Foxwell NT301 vs NT510 – how do they differ?
What features make these on board diagnostic tools different?
Multiple vehicle compatibility
Foxwell scanners are compatible with a range of vehicles. There is a high chance that your model is covered by both these scanners. Foxwell NT301 is compatible with a variety of models built after 1996. However, the NT510 is also compatible with vehicles built between 1987 and 1996. It can be used as a universal OBD1 and OBD2 scanner for comprehensive diagnostics for a large number of vehicles.
Data presentation
Both models feature a smart design that will make it easy to use straight out of the package. They feature I/M hotkeys for increased user friendliness. They feature an LCD display screen for data presentation. However, the NT510 offers a larger display than the NT301. This makes it better suited for clearer display.
Multiple service support
Foxwell NT301 and NT510 are compatible with a variety of vehicles. They both offer all OBD service modes for comprehensive diagnosis. However, the NT301 offers fewer advanced features than the NT510. For instance, the NT301 cannot read ABS codes. It also does not support oil service resets and battery registration either.
Foxwell NT301 vs NT510 comparison review
Foxwell NT301 features and specs
The Foxwell NT301 offers a wide range of diagnostic features which enable for comprehensive management and maintenance. It works on most vehicle models manufactured after 1996, which makes ideal for use for a variety of engines. This model also supports the full range of OBD2 service modes and multiple code requests. However, it does not decipher the codes, which means you have to do so yourself by going online. The NT301 does not support battery registration, but it can be used to erase error codes quickly.
Alongside its multivehicle support, the NT301 also displays a variety of assessment data in graphical, textual and tabular form to enable accurate diagnosis. While its LED display is rather small, measuring 2.78”, it supports a number of languages and features additional LED lighting to improve the clarity of display. It comes with an additional power cable, which reduces the need for extra batteries. The scanner features a long cable to ensure convenience while working.
- Multilingual menu support
- Does not require additional batteries
- Additional LED lighting for clearer display
- Compatible with Wi-Fi
- Small LCD display might offer limited presentation
- Does not offer battery registration
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Foxwell NT510 features and specs
For the full range of OBD2 services, the Foxwell NT510 scanner might be the tool for you. It offers throttle body adjustment, ABS mode activation, brake system deactivation and battery registration among other diagnostic services. It supports a wider array of vehicle models, including all those manufactured between 1987 and 1996, as well as many newer models. Foxwell NT510 scanner can be used as a universal OBD1 and OBD2 scanner for a generic engine check.
This model is built for enhanced presentation of data. It features a TFT display that offers great detail on the data presents. It also features a variety of presentation modes, including textual, graphical and tabular form. It also enables freeze frame data, which facilitates easier addressing of any diagnostic problems. It is lightweight and compact, allowing for easier use and storage. This model can even fit in your glove compartment.
- Great build and ergonomic design
- Comprehensive data presentation including freeze frames
- Works on a variety of models
- Large LCD display for comprehensive assessment
- Multiple language support
- Compatible with Wi-Fi connectivity
- Does not require additional batteries.
- Offers battery registration
- Can be difficult to register and update
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What does the error code P0420 on my OBD mean?
There are different codes available, depending on the nature of your diagnostic needs. This code represents a flaw in the efficiency levels of your catalytic converter.
What vehicle models does OBD2 support?
Depending on where you live and your type of vehicle, OBD2 may not support your vehicle. All 2004 gas models and newer will support OBD2, as well as gas models manufactured after 1996.
Can the NT301 and Nt510 scanners turn off the check engine light?
These scanners will decipher and clear any engine-related DTCs, helping you to address these problems and turn off your check engine light.
Will the Foxwell NT510 define the error codes?
Thanks to an in-built library, this scanner will offer a generic definition of the codes.
Do these scanners support Russian?
Thanks to the multilingual menu support, both these scanners will offer help in a number of languages including Russian.
My verdict
The Foxwell NT301 and NT510 scanners both offer a variety of functions that can help you maintain your vehicle. Through the range of services on offer, you can identify and address any systemic problems you may face. While the Foxwell NT301 offers a variety of features, it is more likely prone to fail to calibrate the angle sensor accurately. It also fails to offer battery registration like the Foxwell NT510, which makes the latter scanner better suited for a wider variety of functions. Even though I do not have a wealth of experience, the Foxwell NT510 scanner has made maintaining my vehicle much easier.